My Farewell as Miss South Carolina for America
Last night I took my final walk across the stage as Miss South Carolina for America.
International Pageant Day
My very first boyfriend Billy (hi Billy if you’re reading this) used to call me “Beauty Queen” as a playful nickname. Little did that farm girl Sarah know she would actually become one… and of course little did Billy know he was being prophetic lol.
Speech at the Freedom Meet-Up
I had the honor of being listed among some amazing speakers at the Freedom Meet-Up in Chapin last night.
It was a fantastic turnout and I was happy to share a bit of my story as an encouragement during these troubling times.
Finding My Strawberries
What’s been my favorite part of preparing for the pageant? Finding my strawberries.
My Why
Winning a pageant isn’t anything I thought I’d ever do. What’s more, now that I’ve won, I don’t think I fully expected the responsibility, time, and busyness it would bring.
I don’t say that in a negative sense, but a lot more goes into it than meets the eye, in everything from frequently scheduled social media posts, to meetings with sponsors, to appearances, preparing for Nationals, etc.
American Royalty
So grateful to my friends and sponsors at Fisher Films for supporting me in the journey to Miss SC for America.
Miss South Carolina for America
Miss Lexington
Through and unexpected and interesting turn of events, I will be competing as Miss Lexington for the title of Miss South Carolina for America Strong.