Capitol Punishment: My Story
faith, family, government Miss Sally Allen faith, family, government Miss Sally Allen

Capitol Punishment: My Story

With attention-seeking politicians, celebrities, and other unimportant figureheads pushing to label the conservative right as a “terrorist organization,” I feel it’s now more important than ever for those of us who know the truth to stand and testify to it, not shrink back in fear of condemnation.

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Watch Party
government Miss Sally Allen government Miss Sally Allen

Watch Party

Facebook keeps flagging and removing Mike Lindell’s documentary about the election fraud, so I’m posting it here instead.

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New WHO Guidelines and Corruption Exposed
government Miss Sally Allen government Miss Sally Allen

New WHO Guidelines and Corruption Exposed

If a farm girl from Lexington who works as a glorified sandwich maker has understood and preached for almost a YEAR about the sensitivity of Covid test cycles, then please explain why the almighty World Health Organization is only JUST NOW releasing new guidelines on reducing test cycles to ensure more accurate results?


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Injustice in Lexington: 2nd Town Hall Meeting
government Miss Sally Allen government Miss Sally Allen

Injustice in Lexington: 2nd Town Hall Meeting

The council provided ZERO data to support the efficacy of masks, relying mainly on virtue signals, guilt trips, a request from a corrupt hospital official, and the results of polling 5 neighborhoods, which account for only 4% of the town population.

May the Lord continue to expose corruption and deception, and may He bring this town to HIS righteous order.

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Covid Common Sense
government Miss Sally Allen government Miss Sally Allen

Covid Common Sense

After my last Facebook post asking my community to petition against the new impending mask ordinance, a member of council called me, and during the conversation asked if the likeminded medical professionals I know would offer their knowledge regarding Covid and the inefficacy of masks. Below is my follow-up email, with names excluded.

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Remembering September 11th
government Miss Sally Allen government Miss Sally Allen

Remembering September 11th

I was twelve years old, curled up on the couch sick with a cold, when I watched in horror as the second plane hit. My mom’s face streaming with tears, my little brothers asking us what was happening as we sat open-mouthed in motionless shock trying to process how to answer.

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Love and Judgment in the Christian Walk
faith Miss Sally Allen faith Miss Sally Allen

Love and Judgment in the Christian Walk

“Love, don’t judge”

“Live and let live”

“Spread positivity”

“Good vibes only”

These are just a few of the common quotes spoken by those in the world, and by professing Christians whose heart may be in the right place, but who are deceived into the current worldview that our job is to quietly approve every behavior and lifestyle, and to avoid saying anything that would be deemed offensive or judgmental.

But is that what scripture says?

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